One of our customers came to us and said, “We have a major project for you.” They wanted to take a steel cradle frame fabrication and turn it into a one-piece, aluminum casting. After reviewing the part along with the other two castings involved, we decided to take on the project. With the reverse engineering involved and the complexity of the part, we knew it was going to be a challenge. We had the patterns in hand after approximately three months. The main cradle was designed for our air set molding line being a larger, more complex casting with cores. The other two jobs we designed to fit on our Hunter 20 machines. After the castings were poured and given to our customer, the work had just begun. They were now dealing with a one-piece aluminum casting, and they had to make everything fit. Between our engineering department and theirs we were able to resolve all the fit problems, and they were able to introduce their new assembly on time at their major show last spring.
We’re proud of this total team effort. Take a look for yourself at the images below and let us know what you think!
Dave Bremer
Bremer Manufacturing Company Inc.